DEC Commissioners: from left to right (front row) James Pinard, Christopher Lilly, William Marshall, Deborah Seeley, Duncan Chapman
(back row) Martin Poutry, Melissa Fetterhoff, Paul Routhier, Debra Rivers, Robert Gardner, Carl Sciple
2013 – DEC Commissioners touring New England Studios while under construction.
2013 – DEC Commissioners touring the inside of the sound stages under construction at New England Studios.
2012 – DEC Director Peter Lowitt and Commissioner Marty Walsh, with Crawford MacPherson from Colchester County, Nova Scotia pose with Sir Jeremy Bell at the 2012 Devens Eco-Industrial Networking Event.
2011 – DEC Director Peter Lowitt and Commissioner Dix Davis, with Devens Eco-Efficiency Center Director Dona Neely and retired DEC Executive Assistant Mary Quinn and current DEC Executive Assistant Kate Clisham at Fruitlands Museum in Harvard, MA.
2010 – Devens Eco-Efficiency Center receiving the Enviromental Business Council of New England's Award for Outstanding Environmental-Energy Achievement. From left to right (front row) former DEC Commissioner Lisa McLaughlin, EBC Director Dan Moon, Devens Eco-Efficiency Center Director Dona Neely, (back row), DEC Director Peter Lowitt, MA State Senator Jamie Eldridge, DEC Chairman Bill Marshall and DEC Commissioner Russ Smith.
2010 – Commissioner Paul VonLoescke receives a commemorative picture of Devens from Chairman Bill Marshall as a thank you for his years of service with the Commission.
2010 – Retired DEC Commissioners Paul VonLoescke and Lisa McLaughlin attend a DEC public meeting where they were honored for their years of dedicated volunteer service to the DEC.
2010 – Commissioner Lisa McLaughlin receives a commemorative picture of Devens from Chairman Bill Marshall as a thank you for her years of service with the Commission.
2009 – Earth Day Tree Planting at Rogers Field. With a generous donation from Bristol-Myers Squibb, the Devens Community came together and planted a tree on Earth Day as part of the Devens Eco-Efficiency Center's "Make Every Day Earth Day" annual event.
2009 – "Make Every Day Earth Day" event tree planting, from left to right: DEC Director Peter Lowitt, Bristol-Myers Squibb VP of Environmental Health and Safety Susan Voigt, Retired DEC Commissioner Paul VonLoescke, Devens Eco-Efficiency Center Director Dona Neely, former DEC Commissioner Lisa McLaughlin and her son.
2009 – "Make Every Day Earth Day" event, DEC Commissioner John Oelfke speaking with Al Collins of Habitat Advisory Group.
2008 – DEC Commissioners thanking Commissioner Paul Johnston for his years of service with the DEC.
2007 – Pioneer Institute Better Government Competition Award. DEC Environmental Planner Neil Angus, Chairman Bill Marshall, Director Peter Lowitt, Commissioner Paul VonLoescke and Commissioner John Oelfke receiving the award for the DEC's Unified Permitting System.
2007 – DEC Chairman Bill Marshall receiving the Pioneer Institute Better Government Competition Award from Jim Stergios, Executive Director of the Pioneer Institute.
2005 – State Senator Pam Resor honoring DEC Director Peter Lowitt, DEC Chairman Bill Marshall with the State Agency Environmental Purchasing and Sustainability Award.
2004 Historic Ovals Event – Bill Marshall unveils the historic ovals.
2001 – Hermann Field, FAICP, FAIA and DEC Commissioner from Shirley.
2000 – Former Commissioners John Rounds and Paul Von Loescke at an Eco-Industrial Park Workshop at Devens.